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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections

A UTI is an infection of the urinary tract. While it is painful, it is usually not overly serious and is easily treated. The urinary tract becomes infected when bacteria is introduced into the tract. The most common cause of a urinary tract infection is from bacteria that lives in your digestive tract and is tranferred to your urethra. Once this bacteria enters the urethra, it travels upwards and can cause infection in the urinary tract or bladder. Sexual intercourse is a common cause of UTI's because during sexual activity, bacteria is moved from the vaginal area into the urethra. Another cause of UTI's is waiting too long to urinate. This causes your bladder to weaken, in which case it may not empty completely and some urine will be left in the bladder. This will increase your chance of a urinary tract infection.


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