Pampered Dogs

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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

By: JJ

These are some things that have helped me...

# 1 Stop making it a mystery. There's no gadget or pill, just effort. There is no "debate" about the "how" to lose weight. It's simple MATH. If you burn more calories than you take in, you'll lose weight.

# 2 The only "mystery" is the level of your own discipline and motivation to achieve a goal. You're fat because your DISCIPLINE SUCKS or because you don't want to change bad enough.

# 3 Move + Don't eat crap. Simple formula. Go for a jog around the block or go to your local high school and jog around the track. Or walk your dog, etc. If you're not shape enough to jog yet, just start walking. Walk becomes a light jog, a light jog becomes a sustained jog, a sustained jog becomes bursts of running. Just keep going.

# 4 Fast food is the devil. Cut out fast food, soda, and sweets and you're half way there.

#5 Understand the potency of certain foods. A cookie may not physically look like a lot..."whats a few Oreo's, that can't do much" .... but so many of those foods are POTENT with calories and sugar that fool us with their small size.

# 6 When the cravings strike, that's when you need to SUBSTITUTE. Instead of taco bell, eat subway. Instead of a cookie, have some graham crackers. Instead of ice cream, have some yogurt. Etc etc etc. The goal is not to deny your cravings, but to fulfill them will a less toxic food. Or, if you're craving taco bell or whatever, do it sparingly and on those days, exercise a little longer.

# 7 Don't get frustrated if pounds don't come off right away. It may take several weeks. There is a DELAY in losing weight and there's a delay in gaining weight.

Good luck to all !!


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