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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

By: be careful

Idk how tall you are, so maybe losing weight will be okay for you, but it wasn't for me. When I was 13, I started putting on a little weight. I wasn't big by any means, but I still wanted to lose 5 or 10 lbs, and I told myself that I would like myself then and would stop. But 5 lbs came...10 lbs...and I couldn't stop. I ended up at 5'6" and 85 lbs. It took me years to recover. Before you try losing more weight, look up the BMI charts, and TRUST THEM. They were made by professionals who know better than you or I, and I honestly feel better when I weigh as much as they suggest. I would prefer you didn't consciously lose weight at all because it is a psychologically precarious situation for girls of your age; but, if you do decide to continue with your weight loss, lease make sure to do it in a healthy way (the above article is great) and stay within healthy range.


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